"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lexyisms and other notes

I feel like I am doing a terrible job recording the adorable (and not-so-adorable) things that Lexy has said over the last couple of weeks...

Purely for posterity's sake, here's a list of the ones I can remember:

During afternoon quiet time (and we use the word "quiet" very loosely), Lexy was sitting at her table playing play dough. Daddy unexpectedly popped in before he headed to the golf course for practice. As he was getting ready to head back out, he looked in the room to say goodbye to Lexy really quick, and in the most deadpan voice you'd ever hear, she says, "I didn't get my hug yet." Bill and I both starting cracking up. It probably was a "you had to be there" moment, but it was funny. ;)

Yesterday at school, the circle time question was "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The mom helper came up to me after school to tell me that Lexy said "I want to be a Mommy when I grow up." Apparently the other answers ranged from "Princess" to "Spiderman", so Lexy's answer melted that mom's heart. And mine when she told me. :)

A while back, we were getting ready to go run some errands-- can't even remember what specifically we were going to do, but Lexy was excited to go. I had both girls dressed and ready, and, as usual, was still getting ready myself. I had changed out of my pajamas into yoga pants and a t-shirt-- which on any other day could have been my pajamas, since that is a typical "pajama" outfit for me. But on this particular day, I just felt like being comfortable, so I was going to wear my "comfies". As we were tending to the last minute details before we walked out the door, I remember seeing out of the corner of my eye that Lexy had opened up my closet and was looking from left to right through my wardrobe. I think she had a little commentary going, much the same as I do for her when we are choosing what she'll wear for the day, but I wasn't really paying attention. So, I finished gathering all the essentials and announced "Let's go!" As I start walking towards the door, she gives me the funniest sideways look, sweeping her pointer finger up and down at my outfit, saying out of the side of her mouth, "Are those your pajamas??" As in... "Um, Mom? Hate to be the one to bring this to your attention, but do you realize you're about to walk out in public in your pajamas? Don't you think you'd like to change first?" Hilarious. I still crack up thinking back to her face as she said it.

We're in the stage of life that everyone we know is having babies... A detail that is not lost on Lexy, who announces almost daily that she's going to have a baby. The other day, the baby was going to come "in the fall." The due date varies. :) But she is very concerned about being prepared for the baby's arrival and is constantly plotting and planning. Specifically, she keeps telling me that she's going to have to sit in the middle seat (without a car seat) so that her baby can have room for his/her car seat in her old spot. Last week, she announced that she was going to have THREE babies, and she was planning to name them Sarah, Josh, and Billy -- a la The Cannons. (Only Billy is the DAD in that family. Not quite sure about that.) And you can tell that math runs in her blood because she pointed out that her three babies are NOT going to fit in our car, so we'll have to get a bigger one. Roger that. We'll get right on it.

In other un-Lexy related news, Tori is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday morning. She is finally getting tubes in her ears! Although I was super resistant to the idea of surgery early on, I have had a year to think about it, and all signs are pointing towards HAVE THE SURGERY, so that's what we're going to do. We have to be AT the hospital by 6am (should be a fun morning!). I've been told that the whole procedure will take less than 12 minutes, but I can already assure you that they'll be the longest 12 minutes of my life. If you think about it, please pray for all involved on Tuesday. I'm not worried, but there is definitely an element of risk whenever anesthesia is involved, so I'm trying not to be too cavalier about it either. It's a fine line to walk....between not freaking out, yet not being too unaffected. I choose to commit it to the Lord.

That's all for now. We're headed to the farm this morning. It's a cloudy day-- much relief from the hundred-degree days we had early in the week. Looking forward to the cooler temps as we pick strawberries! I'd love to say I'll post pictures later, but the camera is still broken. We're trying to decide whether to fix it or just get a new one. Stay tunned.


Happy Hollie said...

I miss you! We REALLY need to get together. Let's get it on the calendar.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the showering incident. Daddy, you got your panties on? or something