"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Monday, April 6, 2009

D-land times TWO

My mom has long had the dream of going to Disneyland for the day, and then spending the night in a local hotel so that she can go AGAIN the next morning.

So, we did. (We're a regular make-a-wish foundation around here)

Grandma, the girls and I all headed down to the Happiest Place On Earth last week and spent the afternoon, evening and night at Disneyland. We had a great time, and it was so fun to see Tori actually "getting it" now. She was down-right CACKLING on the teacups. So cute. (I forgot to bring my camera in the first night, so you'll just have to take my word for it.)

The girls were troopers and stayed awake until 10:30pm as we checked into our hotel. Poor Tori conked out about then, and I swear... this has never happened ever before, but she actually SLEPT THROUGH me changing her diaper and putting on her pajamas. I was astounded.

I should mention-- the girls BOTH had ear infections. Tori was diagnosed the previous day with DOUBLE ear infections and Lexy was given the all clear. However, Lexy spent the better part of that night in my lap crying that her ear hurt, so we headed to Urgent Care on Tuesday morning immediately before going down to Disneyland. (Because we like to pack it all in like that.) And surprise! surprise!, she had an ear infection as well.

Despite their ear ailments, they were in great spirits and seemed to really enjoy the afternoon.

We all had a great nights sleep and were up with the sun to head back to Disneyland for round 2.

Since this was a special Disneyland trip-- the fulfillment of Grandma's dream-- we decided to throw caution to the wind and allow Lexy to get her face painted in the Princess Beauty Parlor. It only cost about half our mortgage, but WELL worth it. :)

We also spent more time than we had previously in California Adventure, and the girls really enjoyed the Bug's Land area. Who knew there were so many kid-friendly rides in there?

Tori and I waited patiently while Lexy and Grandma rode the bumper... bugs?

A big hit of the afternoon was playground area in California Adventure. Again, a new experience for us. Both girls went down the slides, oh, like... 700 times? Grandma and I were thrilled for the chance to sit down and rest a bit. :)

We all had a great time and came home thoroughly exhausted. And we felt so good about our part in making all of Grandma's dreams come true. :)