"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Could it be possible that my baby is three?

How the years fly by....

Lexy Lou, I love you.
I love the way you greet each day with enthusiasm and joy by announcing, "Hey Mommy! Sun's up!" I love your desire/need for structure, and the way you remind me when we have deviated from it. I love your zest for life, always up for the next adventure. I love the way you mimic everything you hear your dad and me saying. "You've gotta be kidding me, Jennifer!" still ranks high on the list of my favorites, although "Whatever, dude" is gaining fast. I love the way you encourage your sister-- you are her #1 cheerleader, and it absolutely melts my heart. "Good job, Tori! You can do it!" I also love how you are so conscientious about including your sister.... "Hey Mommy, I think Tori wants to come, too" when I tell you we're going somewhere. You love to make sure everyone feels included, be it your sister, or the littlest child at library story time. I love how you hold your cupped hand up to your lips, covering your mouth, when you "whisper". I love your fiercely independent streak, and the joy you get from doing it all by yourself. I love your tender heart, pouring out compassion (and offering a band-aid) whenever anyone gets hurt, saying,"wah happened, you got an owie?" I love when you come apologize to me out of the blue for a transgression committed long before. Your sincere repentance brings me to tears. I love to see you comforting the crying child in the nursery saying, "It's okay... Mommy will be here soon..."
I love your imagination, and the many pretend meals you make for me in your kitchen. I love that you love vegetables (and pray you always will!). I love your courage, taking on tasks that would make most 3-yr-olds melt into a pool of tears. I love that when you pray, you thank God for everything you've done and everyone you've encountered that day. I love your helpful spirit, always wanting to be Mommy's Big Helper (even when you get into trouble for trying to do more than you should). I love how you love your daddy... he holds a special place in your heart and you in his. I love when you sing "Jesus Loves Me" at the top of your lungs OVER and OVER again.
Yes He does.
And so do I.

Happy Birthday, Lexy.


Libby said...

So sweet. It is hard to believe that she is 3! What a lucky girl to have you and Bill as parents...
