"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hello World

It's me, Jenn. I used to blog on this site.
Apparently, I had a little blogging vacation.
Wish I could say I went to some exotic location with no
internet access.
No such luck.

Life has been crazy, but....really.... when is it not, right?
Since it's been so long since I've written anything of substance, I'm feeling a bit of the "where in the world should I start..." So here goes:

  • Lexy and I are having more and more legitimate conversations, these days. So fun. And at the same time, absolutely astonishing that this little being that used to be soooo dependent on you for her every need is starting to be her own independent person. Emphasis on the independent (or so she thinks).
  • Tori is now crawling all over the place, and pulling up and "cruising" on everything at her eye level. She has actually stood up on her own without holding on to anything a few times as well. MY BABY IS GROWING UP!
  • Lexy is being such a good sister. One morning during Tori's nap, I got down all the little push-toys that helped Lexy learn to walk. I explained to Lexy that these are TORI'S toys because she is learning to walk. As soon as Tori woke up, Lexy led her straight to the toys, helped her stand up holding the push handle and says, "Walk, Tori! Walk! Good Job, Tori! Good Job! Mommy, she's walking!" Not exactly. More like leaning as the cart rolls forward. I guess Lexy doesn't realize that learning to walk is a process, not an after-nap time activity.
  • Tori now has 6 teeth. (Pictures to follow in another post.) And she's still huge. :)
  • Tori had the flu this week... Nothing leaves you feeling more helpless than watching your 10-month old throw up. :( She kept looking up at me like, "What in the world is going on?!? Make it stop!"
  • Lexy is quite a swimmer. Now that we have warm weather, she and Bill have been going to the pool 3-4 times a week. She is almost totally pool-safe now as she has learned how to reach up and grab the side of the pool. She can swim underwater for about 7-10 feet all on her own. And she loves running and jumping in. I think she was a fish in a previous life.

Yesterday afternoon, I put Lexy down for a nap and as I was walking out of her room, I saw out of the corner of the eye that I had left some new pajama sets hanging on the end of her bed. I thought, "oh, maybe I should take those off her bed..." but then rationalized that she was too tired to actually play with them, so I left them and kept walking out of her room. Back track: When she was still in a crib, I would REGULARLY go in after a nap and find her in LAYERS UPON LAYERS of her dirty clothes because she could reach her hamper. She has been putting on her own clothes since she was about 18 months old. Not always the way they are
supposed to fit, mind you. We occasionally see an arm coming out a leg of pants, or legs in the arms. :) So back to yesterday.... I could hear her singing to herself in her room, so I knew she wasn't asleep yet, but I never expected this. I hear "Help me! Help me, Mommy!" and go running in to find her standing up in her bed looking like a marshmallow man. She had put on EVERY pair of pants and EVERY pair of shorts... OVER her denim capri pants that she was wearing. I tried to keep a straight face as I pulled off LAYER after LAYER of the pajamas, but I lost it and started laughing. It was funny. I think she had about 6 pairs of pants and 4 shorts on. I honestly don't know how she got the last 2-3 layers on because they were so skin tight, they were hard for ME to pull them off.

That's about all for now. I'm working on a few more blog posts in my head, so hopefully May will be a more prolific month than April was. :)


Libby said...

Soo very very glad you're back! HILARIOUS story about Lexy. Wish I could have seen it myself! XOXO