"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Looking back over the last year, it's hard to believe it's been a year.
And what a wonderful year it has been...
Your language has exploded this year--typical for 3-yr-olds, I'm sure-- and we have LOVED having real conversations with you. My mind is still baffled at the way you take in life, memorizing the details of how mom and dad do [fill-in-the-blank]. And then you turn around two minutes later and reenact the activity, motion, or expression as if it's something you've known all your life.

Or at least "since you were a little girl."

That is actually your favorite thing to say about ANYTHING that has happened past-tense.

"Mom, when I was a little girl, I used to....."

And more often than not, it was something you did just yesterday. You know, back when you were little.

But now you're big.
A big FOUR year old.

As I tucked you in to bed last night, I was telling you that this was the last time I'd tuck my 3-yr-old Lexy in to bed, and was excitedly saying that you'll be 4 tomorrow!!

But you weren't as excited as I had anticipated.
In fact, you cried.
"But, I'll never be three again!" (Insert tears rolling down face)

I couldn't help but laugh at the role-reversal we were having. Me.... smiling from ear to ear about how you get to be FOUR tomorrow.... who should be crying that my baby is not gonna be three anymore. And you.... in tears.... who should be full of glee about your big birthday.

Regardless of the tears, I know you will relish your roll as a big 4 yr old. You are a true "Big Sister" to every little one you encounter, whether friend or stranger. You love to crouch down to their eye level and talk to them in a high-pitched, sing-songy voice that is, apparently, How To Talk To Babies.

You are all about writing these days. Any paper and pen (or pencil, or crayon, or marker) you come across will instantly be put to use. And oh how you love to make notes! For me. For Daddy. For Grandma. For Tori. For your school friends. For the kids you met at the park (who we will probably never see again!). For the mailman. For anyone you meet, really. You are so friendly. I love the way that you've never met a stranger. (Although it also scares me just a teensy bit.)

We had a wonderful year together in AWANA Cubbies, learning about God and memorizing Bible verses. And what a treat it's been to have your ears perk up when you hear those verses quoted in sermons or sung in songs. "Mommy! That's my verse!"

You also love to sing, particularly the songs you have learned from Christian radio, which delights my heart. Your personal favorite is "Mighty To Save", which you have been known to sing at the top of your lungs as we stroll through the aisles of Sam's club or Target. The emotion that sweeps over me when I hear my little girl singing "My God is Mighty to Save, He is Mighty to Save!", proclaiming the truth for all to hear..... Simply breathtaking.

Your ministry continues at home through your outdoor concerts. You've created your own little stage in the backyard from which you belt out whatever song is on your heart. I can't help but smile when I'm in the kitchen preparing dinner and I hear you singing outside for the whole neighborhood to hear. If only we all had such passion and confidence.

We truly have had an incredible year watching you grow and learn. Daddy wants me to make sure that I document that you did your first math problem this year. 1 + 2 = 3. We're starting you early. In fact, you overheard me tutoring someone in Algebra last week, and when I said something like "x divided by 3 equals...", you interjected "I have an X in my name!" Mathematician in the making. :)

We love you and are so excited that God has entrusted us with your little life.
Happy Birthday Lexy Lou.
Four is gonna be a great year.


Dawn said...

Hey Guys! Can't believe your girl is 4! Did you know that Jav's birthday is on May 23rd? He didn't turn 4! What a beautiful princess!