"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Phoning Home

About two weeks ago, I received the strangest phone call.

I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready.... Lexy was playing with some toys, Tori was still asleep, and Bill wasn't home yet from work.

The phone rang, and as I glanced at the caller ID, I was so confused.
My OWN cell phone was calling.
Did I lose my phone somewhere? Was some stranger calling the "home" listing in the contact list?
Did I leave my purse sitting on the washing machine in the garage (as I often do when trying to carry everything in from the car)???
Maybe it was Bill being funny, calling from the garage to let me know he was home?

I answered the call and heard nothing. Whoever was calling wasn't doing any talking, and there was absolutely no background noise.

"This is weird," I thought.

I ran through the house, trying to locate my purse. As I neared the office door, I heard Tori stirring in her bed. (she naps in the office so that Lexy doesn't wake her up prematurely)

When I opened the door, this is what I found.

Tori, sitting in a heap of my purse contents. She emptied the whole thing, and was having the time of her life! There's no telling how long she'd been awake and playing. But she obviously figured out how to make some phone calls.... She called our friend Travis K. also (sorry Trav!). I guess I should record that in the baby book: First Phone call(s)- 15 mos.

Apparently I had left my bag on the desk, which I didn't realize was within arms reach of her bed. I now know. :)

I told you she likes purses!! :)


Kim Givens said...

Too Funny!!! It's good you got pictures of it.