"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I really can't believe my baby is ONE.
It seems like just yesterday we were in the hospital with you, marveling at HOW BIG you were. I will never forget Dr. Tuso holding you up over the blue paper curtain so I could finally get a glimpse of you, and my initial thought was "oh my gosh, she's huge." No kidding.

It has been so fun watching you grow, both physically and developmentally as you hit each milestone. You're already walking! And CLIMBING. Everywhere. You have found nooks and crannies of our house that your sister has never even PONDERED.

You are such a happy, content baby. And tough-- my goodness, you can take a lick and keep on ticking. (Lexy has you trained well. ;)) You love to dance and are instantly bobbing your head and clapping when any music begins. *Any* music. Commercials, noise-making toys, cell phones, or music from the stereo-- pretty much anything you can bob your head to. You have the cutest facial expressions... My personal favorite is the squished-up-nose smile... and pictures don't seem to do it justice. You also have the head-tilted, coy smile down to a science-- to which we always say "Ahhhhhh." Which makes you do it again. And again. And again. It's actually one of your favorite highchair games-- not to be outdone by EATING, of course.

Yes, Food! Glorious Food! You love it. And you're an equal opportunity eater. Pretty much anything we feed you is gobbled up immediately. And if we don't feed it to you fast enough, boy do we hear about it. "EHHHHHH!" (That's your way of screaming for more. You haven't really taken to the signing the way Lexy did. I guess you don't find it to be as effective as screaming. :)

You DEVOURED your ENTIRE birthday cake. Couldn't believe it , but I have witnesses to prove it. The funniest part, though, was that you were all antsy to get out of your highchair because you were finished, so we got you all cleaned up and set you down... and had no sooner turned our backs then you walked over to an unattended full plate of food and started helping yourself!!! I guess you must have a hollow leg-- no other explanation for how you can eat SO MUCH!

We love you so much Tori! You have made the last year of our lives so joyful and memorable.
What a blessing God has entrusted us with. We look forward to watching you grow and pray that your joy will never cease....

Happy Birthday, Toops.
We love you.