"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Amgen Tour of California

For all you cycling enthusiasts out there, today was a big day in beautiful downtown Valencia. The Amgen Tour of California (which is pretty much a Tour de France-type race in CA) came through our very own Valencia Town Center this afternoon. We decided to brave the winter weather (I know, CA doesn't really get winter weather) and head out to all the festivities.

BIG screen TV with the live feed of the race as it approached Valencia. Notice the VERY gray sky and people bundled up in jackets. It had to be, like, 55 degrees or something. Freeeeeeeeezing. :)
More live action on TV.
This is pretty much the most action we saw, as we left LONG before the racers actually arrived. It was naptime for the kiddos, not to mention the fact that it started raining.
Lexy and Daddy
She has watched MANY a cycling stage with Daddy. The summer after she was born (2005), they spent the entire month of July waking up really early (not hard for either of them) to watch the broadcast of the Tour de France. Those were the good ol' days when our cable company gave us the "Vs" network. I paid enough attention over the years that I actually learned a lot... I know all about the peloton and the break aways, and I even recognize the names of the elite riders. We were excited to see that Levi Leipheimer was in overall lead.

Oh-so-glamorous shot of Mommy and Lexy. Snuggly baby.
And proof that I do, in fact, use a hat in cold weather.
(Grandmothers, you can rest easy tonight...)

Lexy and Tori

Lexy hasn't quite figured out how to look up at camera without appearing as if she is in pain. :)

Eskimo kisses (in our freezing winter weather!)

Daddy and Lexy at the finish line, where there will be a mad dash of cyclists in about.... 2 hours.
Apparently, it was a pretty exciting finish! If you're curious, check out the website and watch the video ("Mark Cavendish Sprints to Win").