"so then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord,
continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him,
strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and


Colossians 2:6-7

Thursday, November 8, 2007

More Lexy-isms

It's been one of those days....
How is it, exactly, that a cute, little 2-year-old can test your patience in a way that nothing else will ever come close to??? :) Despite all the craziness of the day, I am thankful the Lord has reminded me of what a blessing Lexy is to our family. It's all a matter of perspective....

Through a friend's blog, I was led to pray for the Levasheff family, whom I have never met, as they said goodbye to their precious 2-year-old son Judson. Horribly tragic, yet their faith is unshaken. And then there is the Kostjuk family, acquaintances of ours, who are currently praying for a miracle for their newborn daughter Reese. And I'm sure there are hundreds (upon hundreds) more. And any one of those families would gladly trade for a tough day with a willful 2-year-old.

So in the vein of celebrating the life of our fiery young one, I thought I'd share a few more of her funny sayings...

"Don't Be..."--
meaning, "Don't be mean", which we have no idea where she picked up, but the funny part is that she can't be bothered to actually say 'mean' at the end. That would take too much of her precious time. And then there's the humor in when it is actually used... Like when we're combing her hair (which has been smothered in detangler) after a bath, or when we're changing her dirty diaper preventing a diaper rash, or when we're helping her put shoes on so she can go outside. Gosh. We really ARE mean parents.

"I can't like it"--
translated, means "I don't like it." Uttered frequently after any new food she tastes-- unless it's a fruit or vegetable. Shockingly, even used after dessert on occasion. I love that her expression actually implies that she's willing herself not to like it... And she's got quite a strong will. :)

"I can't reach it.... (grunt, grunt)"--
Always 2 grunts. Always. Just to make sure we know she's REALLY trying. And really, this phrase is used in place of "I can't do it" because, more often than not, it has nothing to do with reaching anything. In the few instances that it does have to do with reaching, the item in question is sometimes mere inches from her, but she will contort her body in such a way that it becomes the feat of all feats to be able to reach it. Thus the needs for the grunts, I suppose. Look out Monica Seles.

And my personal favorite that just happened today, in the midst of my lack of patience....

I laid down in my bed with her hoping that she might actually take a nap, since she'd been literally bouncing off the wall in her room (where Tori was also sleeping). No dice. It was a nice thought, anyway. When it became ever-so-apparent that no nap would be happening, Bill came in and told her that she could sit still in the bed and watch Monsters, Inc., while Mommy took a nap. So, she hunkered down real close to my face and in a hushed whisper began singing "Jesus loves me", just like Bill and I do for her at bed time. At the end of the song, she continued whispering a bunch of words that only she understood and then said "Amen." and kissed me on the forehead. "Nigh nigh, Mommy. Sleep well."

And then my heart officially melted.
Thank you, Lord, for my tender-hearted (and strong-willed) Lexy.


Veronica @ A Quiet Heart said...

Jenn!! That last one was SO sweet!! :)
Amazing how they can be testing your patience to the absolute limit one moment, and then do something like that the next...and you realize again, just what a precious blessing they are!! :)